The umbrella fact for all your responses: everyone in the class can read your postings.
Be a model of what you require of students in their postings.
Don’t be afraid to let personality and humor enter your responses.
While your response will be to one student, always include the whole class.
When applicable, use examples or experiences from your life in responding.
Create a bank of the best responses that you post for reuse in future classes.
Excerpted from “Teaching Online With Errol: Creating Effective Responses to Student Discussion Postings.” Online Classroom, April 2010: 6, 7.
见:Creating Effective Responses to Student Discussion Postings | Faculty Focus: http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/asynchronous-learning-and-trends/creating-effective-responses-to-student-discussion-postings/
- 师生对话时,要时刻想着全班学生,公开场合应该以积极的回应为主,负面的必要的回应应该私下交谈,给学生以尊重。
- 你想让学生如何讨论,那么你首先自己就要用这种方式进行讨论。model the model.
- 敢于坦露自己的个性和幽默。
- 用自己的亲身经历或事例来回应,如果可能的话。
- 记录和积累一些最好的回应,以备后用。