
lesson plan of cell structure

Topic: Cell structure/Biology
Designer: Chunlei Zhang
Student: High school students
Notes: This is just an imaginary teaching learning scenario sequences.

Imagine a house in your mind(or you can draw it), maybe your family house, maybe not. What does it look like from outside? What about the look of inside? What is the house composed of? What is the function of each part? Can you ask more questions about house?( who made them? which style? what is it made of? how to make a house?) cool!

Today we are going to study cell,similar with house, you can imagine cell as a house for a new strange life. You can ask any questions you want? (list students questions)

Some of your questions, scientists have answered? some question still need further inquiry.

Do you know why scientists study cell?(R or NR) They want to know more about life, an essential question is “What is life is made of?” They finally found the answer through a special equipment – microscope. Their finding suggest that most organism are made of cell. There is a story of discovery of cell.(telling the story)

Cell are usually very very small, and invisible to the naked eye. Do you have any experience of bleeding? What is the color of blood? If you take out of the blood cells, then it looks like this.[picture] What can you infer from this picture? If you look at blood through microscope, then you can see this. These are blood cells. If you look at the blood vessel, you will see this.(video) Not only blood, every parts of your body is made of cells.(student can also draw this conclusion by observing the picture of different tissue are made of different types cells)

Can you guess what is inside of a cell?(Predicted answers: empty, just water or solution, there must be some structures inside)

If we use electron microscope, then we can see the inside structure of the cell. Here is some pictures, try to build a cell structure model as a group. You can number different structures.

When the structures were first discovered by scientist, they also found it hard to communicate, so they name them. Sometime they name them by their characteristics, sometimes using the scientist’s name. (give the names of different structure) Can you distinguish the different structures inside a cell? Have a try in your group.

Group assessment, show Simulation and let students guess what is the structure and its possible function.

How the different structures relate with each other? We don’t know. What do you suggest, if you are going to study this research question.

Scientists got these pictures, when they study how proteins are made and transported outside of cells.[three pictures]

What can you see in these pictures? What can you infer? Can you guess or infer the functions of different structures? How do they function together in this process?

Home work: Make a cell structure model that can represent all your group knowledge about cell. We will share and discuss our models in next lesson.
