

Human is a kind of social animal that can not live alone. If he does live alone, he fades. When he interacts with others, he thrives.

In this sense, human being is like a neuron and the society is the neutral network.

Once I believe that I can think, but after carefully thinking I draw a conclustion that I can hardly thinking independently. For example, if live me alone in dark room I can think less and less.

In fact, people do not think, they just reflect or interact with the environment. This truth is hard to believe, but it is important to know if you really want to direct your life.

A philosopher once said that there are two kind of people in the world, those who divide things into two kinds and those do not. I don’t know what the philosopher want to say, but the philosopher must be the former. There are both advantage and disadvantage in dividing things into two kinds.

There is an old saying in China, when the flower bloom pick it, do not wait untill it shrivels. God is a time keeper, he just counts and when he stop your life come to the end. When the time come, you may regret the stupid time you spend but nothing you can change. It is really a tragedy. Tragedy teach you the lesson.

In front of the god time keeper, you have to be honest to seek what you really want because you have to face yourself and you have only one chance.
