
Epistemological beliefs

Epistemological beliefs is about what knowledge and knowing is and is not.

Read the following paper to know more about EB.

Kampa, N., Neumann, I., Heitmann, P., & Kremer, K. (2016). Epistemological beliefs in science—a person-centered approach to investigate high school students’ profiles. Contemporary educational psychology, 46, 81-93.

The four factors split into two factors in the area of nature of knowledge ([1] certainty and [2] development of scientific knowl- edge) and two factors in the area of nature of knowing ([3] source and [4] justification of scientific knowing).

Beliefs on the certainty of knowledge span from viewing scientific knowledge as either being right or wrong (naïve) to viewing scientific knowledge as a reflection from more than one perspective (sophisticated). 

Beliefs on the development of knowledge span from viewing scientific knowledge as a static and unchanging subject (naïve) to accepting that scientific ideas and theories change over time in light of new evidence (sophisticated). 

Beliefs on the source of knowing refer to viewing knowledge as residing in external authorities such as scientists or teachers (naïve) versus viewing knowledge as created within the student (sophisticated). 

Beliefs on the justification of knowing refer to discovering phenomena through scientific investigations, e.g., experiment or observation (naïve) versus understanding that knowledge comes from reasoning, thinking, and multiple experimentations as well as observations (sophisticated; Conley et al., 2004).