Be good, Do good. Not for others, but for yourself.
Be good, Do good. Not for others, but for yourself.
3、严肃科学游戏Cell Craft
4、科学能力测评NAEP Interactive Computer Tasks
这次培训项目是Tony老师为我们师范生精心准备和量身打造的、高质量的课程。当中 有很多教育理念、教学技巧、策略以及教学活动都值得未来教师教育项目参考和借鉴。
1、教育印象(image of schooling: An image about teaching or learning that has some meaning to you)
2、劈叉苦茶 Pechakucha Pairs(15seconds X20 pages) 开学第一天就明确最后作业
Planning Sheet for Pechakucha- peer review
3、在地性学习(place-based learning – interviewing the campus)
4、读书进程 (Reading Schedule)
5、TPI survey
6、Multiple Intelligence survey
7、学习经历短剧(Skit that illustrates your experience as a student)
8、学校观察(New understanding and questions about teachers, students, subject matter, Milieux)
9、个体帮助(Meet with professor Marina Milner-Bolotin)
10、社会和情感学习能力(Self-awareness, Social awareness, Responsible decision-making, self-management, relationship skills)
Philosophy of teaching statement
short test
Fill the form sheet to draw your conclusion
3、Three step interview(interview alternate and then share in group)
4、Group Investigation(找到共同兴趣点、计划研究内容、研究任务分工、分析、总结、报告)
divide into different groups by taking off a shoe
1、Use factoid to provoke student questions(e.g.: Tornadoes are nearly invisible whirling winds until dust and debris are picked up or a cloud forms inside the funnel.)
2、Push student thinking by asking questions(What do you wonder about now? Does this suggest any new approaches, ideas to you worth investigating? what kinds of connections can you make? where do we go from here?)
3、Slow down
4、Be on the look out for student’s questions and persistent interests
5、Use previous activities to move forward
6、Help students make sense of non-fiction text(by different symbols)
Wait Time
时间伙伴(clock buddies)
Think, Pair, Share(2分钟独立思考,2分钟同伴交流,最后班级分享)
PMI chart
3 step interview(访谈者,被访谈者,报告员,3个主题的访谈,每一轮角色轮换一次)
Place Mat
When I was wandering around in Vancouver BC last month, I found a art gallery along the Howe Street by chance. It is called LeSoleil Fine Art Gallery.
It was raining and I had some time, so I decided to have a look inside of the gallery. One artist’s painting named “That Night the Magic Mirror” attracted my attention. The artist’s name is Cecilia Aisin-Gioro (爱新觉罗.恒钦). She is the grandniece of the last Chinese Emperor Pu Yi Aisin-Gioro.
You can find more paintings of her here.
At my first look of the picture, the woman is very beautiful and youthful, but herself in the mirror seems less energetic. When you look the picture carefully, you will found a mistake(or unnatural phenomenon) in the picture. Take your time to have a look.
The woman have two left arms, one you can see directly, one in the mirror, without right arm. What does Cecilia want to say? or it is just a mistake?
The other thing I don’t like is the face in the mirror. It is flat and dull comparing with her real face.
So I changed it like this.
On Monday, we went to Victoria and visited the BC Museum. It took us about 2 hours to look around the natural history and human history exhibition. The most interesting things were Mammoth and indigenous people of Canada. Our students also had a great time on the ferry, because it was the first time for most of them to travel by ferry. I took us nearly one and a half hour to across the Channel. So most of our time was spent on road or boat.
On Tuesday, during the time of check in, one student asked about the religion system in Canada. Andrea hesitated whether should talk about this. Tony encouraged her to have a try and she gave use a useful introduction of the family trees and history of different religions in BC. Tony highlighted the idea of religious tolerance, which means people can respect and be tolerant to others’ religions.
Unfortunately, a terrible terrorist attack happened in Quebec, in which one man killed six people and injured another five in a Quebec mosque on Sunday. Click here to know more.
Here is the statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on Sunday.
Diversity is our strength, and religious tolerance is a value that we, as Canadians, hold dear.
After Tuesday’s class, I found UBC faculties and students got together on the square and express their feelings and ideas about the event. Slogans such as “Hate is not the answer!” “LOVE” “Connection” were written on the posters. Several speakers were invited to give a public speech. More than one hundred audience circled around.
Well, these things were accidentally connected in my mind, which push me to think the goal of our education, the role of college in society, the beliefs behind our teaching practices.
On Wednesday, we visited the Richmond High School. Their students of grade 12 showed us around and introduced their school. Our college students also visited several classes and had a nice talk with their students.
Teachers’ professional development needs to be autonomous.
Teachers should make their classroom a more public place rather than a private place. Although new teacher may take their time to do so.
school system vs education agenda(教育系统与教育使命)
A history of my approach to teaching(Tony)
As a beginning teacher. I believed in technical rationality.
Graduate school. I encountered constructivism.
More recently, I learned about complexity science
Classroom as Complex systems: its not an entirely new idea!
Four theoretical principles of complex phenomena or system:
1 an emphasis on a non-linear frameworks(Davis, 2004)
2 cogintion is not simply representative of what we know but a continual bringing forth of what we know through the process of engagement(Capra,2002)
3 open system maintain themselves by being is a state of disquilibrium yet they remain stable nonetheless(Prigogne,1984)
4 spontaneous emergence of order from apparent random or unrelated events(2001)
What does your classroom look like?
If a classroom or teaching and learning represent complex systems and if we fail to acknowledge them as such….
…then we are probably failing to allow for, recognize, or take advantage of the emergence of complexity as it arise in our practice.
Five features of complexity that enhance the possibility of emergence
Internal redundancy - commonality …shared understantding
Internal diversity -variety … a rich pool of ideas
Neighborhood interactions -engagement …ideas bumping up against one another
Decentralized control -democratization … collective authoring
Enabling constraints playing field …a generative space
Four implications for classroom:
1 surrendering certainty(open eye)
2 An emphasis on inquiry(the effort to articulate what we don’t know)
3 Acknowledge Complicity(迭代交互影响)
4 Allow for improvisation
Graduate life in UBC and how to apply for UBC
Presentation Report
Flash mob
Certificate ceremony
Feedback Survey
Pictures together and say Goodbye.
learning theory and the colorful pictures.
Gamification in education by Ms. Hu and Dr Boskic.
Visit Cook Elementary School
This school is well organized to meet every students’ learning need although it is not as rich as Norma Rose Point School.
Meet Professor of UBC
UBC class visits
Tony wrote:
I am not teaching you how to be a teacher
but I am asking you think about being an educator in the world.(conception of teaching and learning; language to talk teaching & learning; make sense of your practice as a teacher)
Different perspectives:
1 Behaviorism(Behavior, Stimulus/Response)
2 Cognitivism(Symbols,making connections, schema)
3 Constructivism(Elicit existing conceptions, personal construction)
4 Social Constructivism(Social interaction, mediation of knowledge)
5 Enactivisim(Embodied action, context is critical)
6 Complexity(dynamically adaptive phenomena, emergence)
Can you think of examples in your subject area
a test
Visit BC transition program class
Social and Emotional learning
Tony let us watch the 2007 Spring Festival Live
The new BC curriculum
Understanding (big ideas)–Do (curricular competency learning standards) –Know (content learning standards)
This post will not be another list of good teacher characters. There are already many lists. Some come from serious studies. Some come from just personal experiences or judge(like this one highly recommended). Some come from student or teacher self-reports(read this student self-report). Well these lists of qualities of good teachers help little in explaining how teachers become good teachers. What I want to do here is think about the most critical character that make a teacher becoming a good teacher.
The best answer (I can give for now) is being serious of their teaching job is the most important character in becoming a good teacher. Being serious means the teacher really care about students’ learning in class and take enough efforts to make it better. The efforts include making the place, understanding students, building connections, organizing cognitive burdens, trying different ways or strategies, critical thinking and examine their own practices, keeping learning themselves, making meanings and so on. Well, maybe it is cheating answer because it nearly included all the characters in the lists. But how can teachers become better if they don’t care teaching at all.
The truth is that I care then I want to improve.
In this lovely week, our students enjoyed Tony’s classes. WHY? Because Tony made it a lovely place to learn. HOW? In order to answer this question, I have to go back and inquiry Tony’s classes and teaching practices. I hope I can recognize not only Tony’s magic tricks but also his intentions behind. If I don’t write it down, the ideas may disappear and never come up to my mind again. So the FRIST goal of this post is a reflection and a record for myself.
It is a challenging job to decode a teacher’s class, especially Tony’s complicated, multicultural and bilingual class in with many educational goals, skills and strategies were embedded. Fortunately, Tony provided some clues. The clues were written on the whiteboard or explicitly said by Tony.
After we got in the door of Scarf building, we saw a welcome poster for our ECNU students in the corridor. It is not big, but well printed and mounted with a frame. The next day, It was put on the wall of our classroom. There were two hot water containers prepared for us. So nice! [MAKING THE PLACE]
The thing we did in the morning was self-introduction. Tony provided some useful scaffoldings, a map of China, pins with student names and numbers, umbrellas and format of introduction. When TAs and faculties came, they introduced themselves too.[CONNECTING THE PEOPLE]
In the afternoon, students went to corridor to look around their own pictures printed by Tony. The pictures were chosen by students. They stand for students’ image of teaching or learning and also have special meaning for themselves. After they got back, they share a picture and the reasons why they choose it to share. Tony would welcome other students to make comments too. Then the picture owner reveal its meaning or story. [ENGAGING THE STUDENTS]
Natalie introduced the place at different levels, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Turtle island, the Indigenous. Place based learning aim to make this change from I AM NO WHERE to I AM NOW HERE. Place represents layers of stories and it can included ecological education, bioregional education, critical pedagogy, experiential education, indigenous ways of knowing and being. Place based learning connects people and their places. It disrupts the idea of a one size fits all curriculum. Place is not about where we lived, buy rather about how we live where we live. Wisdom also sits in places. So our learning should not take place without a place.[PRESENT THE CONCEPTION]
Place based learning should answer three questions:
Students explored the place around Scarf building in UBC. They must interview someone about the place and sit down some where in the building silently for 5 minutes to feel the place. Every group of 4 people needed to take 3 pictures and answer the three questions.[EXPLORE AND SHARE]
They explored many places excitedly and discovered many culture differences. The pictures were printed out and put on the wall to share. In this activity, pictures provided many learning opportunities:
the pictures show interesting information and details
the pictures generate questions
the pictures have stories
Natalie remind the students:
Place making=build and construct while,
place maker=every body make a part.
Teachers are place maker.
Forget place we forget how to make place.
I think this [place based learning] was carefully selected for our students, because it help them to explore UBC, practice oral English and think about connections between people and places.
let the children to be children
I wrote a post about Norma Rose Point School.
How Learning theories are different and alike?[fill tables]
Task: In your group, you are to perform a short skit that illustrates an “image of schooling” drawn from your experience as either a primary, secondary, or post-secondary school student. The performance lasts 2 or 3 minutes.[ROLE PLAY]
How we can divide the groups?[TEACHER QUESTION]
Students’ answers: by group numbers,by tables, by a game, pick card, color of clothes, by students’ abilities and so on.
How much time do we need to prepare this skit?
Students’ answers: 20 minutes; 30 minutes; 25 minutes.
Teacher: OK we choose the middle.
[Democratic the Classroom]
Teacher decides the activity but let students decide the time to prepare. To do so, students can have some ownership.
Go to the corridor and divide groups by taking off a shoe.[MAKE IT ANOTHER WAY]
The only limit is your imagination.
[check in]
Use check in to borrow students’ ideas and questions as learning needs and learning opportunities.
[music as alarm]
When it is time for rest, turn on the music. When class begin, turn it off and student aware of that without a pain.
Group dividing strategies:
[Number the table and symbol the students]
Let students pull out the table number[Democratic the Classroom] and teacher draw the symbol like a game. This strategy can engage more students. Don’t’ put back the table number if you don’t want one table answer twice.
[verbal curing]
LET students know the signal 30 seconds ahead before you give the signal.
Other cures:
verbal cure
eye contact
visual sight
audio sound
Teaching Perspectives Inventory
Students already took the survey and sent them to Tony. Tony print them out and sent it back to students. Then Tony began to count the heads who were dominant in one perspective and write the results on board. Then he let one student read the text about one perspective and then everyone try to summary the paragraph by keywords or phrase.
Here is the result:
accuracy Anthony content knowledge
skill norm practice
learner reasoning and thinking,make sense of something
safety heart support
change collective, deconstruction, who why interests
Tony let student write on a note what impress them most these days. Then let them post it up on the wall near their pictures.[MAKE A PLACE FOR STUDENTS to share]
Let us get back to the question that I asked. My best answer for now is that Tony made good social and emotional connections with our students by making a place where they feel good by his hands, heart and minds. It was not tricks at all!