Rencently, I am preparing and making lesson plans for my TPCKcourse. TPCK stands for "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge". Inorder to teach a science concept well, the teacher need to know many kind of knowledge, such as students' prior concept, subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, how to assess, how to orgnize the content, how to use ICT to promot students' learning. So teaching is not a easy thing, and with the fast development of science and technology, it becomes more and more a challenge.
Now, China is promoting the 8th Curriculum Reform in basic education. Middle school biology teachers will meet more challenge than before, so they expecially neen more help and suport on their professional development. In such a background, I start the TPCK curriculum. It is a online curriculum and totally free. It's based on two network leaning community, Biology Teaching House(Bioteahouse,生物教学茶吧: and it's neighborhood community Social Learn Lab(SLL, 教育大发现: SLL has many members who are interested or experts on educational technology. So we can get technical suport from SLL. Most members fo Bioteahouse are biology teachers, and some of them are biology education researchers, some are college students who are planning to be biology teachers in the future.
The Curriculum materials will all be online and open to have access. The activities will be orgnized both online and offline. Some middle schools will attend this course, so I am planning to organize unconferrences in these school which allow everyone to come and share and contribute. Hope everyting will go well.