
NoS and PCK and CK

Yesterday(04,02,2015) I attend NARST 2015 session#3 stand 4(Science teaching–Middle and high school Grade 5-12) and strand 8 (The handbook of research on science education: implications for inservice teacher education) and strand 13 (History, Philosophy, and Sociology of science). In summary, it was all about PCK, PK and NoS.

There are two lines of questions to address:
What is the difference between PK and PCK? What is PK? Is there any Pedagogy content free? What is knowledge?
There are always content for teaching, right? You can not teaching nothing, can you? But of course, you can teach anything. You can also teach teaching, even at this time, you still need something as your teaching object in you examples or as your context. Sometimes we cannot think clearly about PK and PCK, because we do not make our view of knowledge clear. I will argue that Knowledge need to have some function for a population to exist and pass on from generation to generation. CK is about how the world works. Some people need to understand science. Some need to be able to do science. Some people apply science to improve living level. While, PK, in the context of science education, is all about how teacher help students learn science, how teaching works. It help teachers understand the what is teaching, how to teach better, why some strategies work while some not. Just like package, teacher need to know what content is inside? How is this content different from others? and which package suit for this content? How to make the package? how does this package work? how does it bridge the content and the students. How students approach this package? Did we use the right package in the right way?

Why NoS? Why NoS teaching fail? Why researchers suggest to use explicit way to teach NoS? What do you mean by explict?
We don’t select to teach NoS simply for more and more researchers ask to do so. We do teach NoS because it has value for student to understant science, do science and apply science. Sometimes, we expect that students can learn NoS by themselves through science practices. But it is wrong. Researchers found that it is hard for students grasp NoS themselves. In this case, teachers should teach NoS purposely. They should design their lesson with NoS in mind and get students there intentionally. The explict way of teaching NoS, is not just tell the student what science is, but guide students’ attention to it. It is not give students a bird, but show them where the bird located. For example, give student a bird locked in a cage help students feel and see where the bird is. But do we need improve their bird seeking skills? or do we just care the have the bird. To address this questions another way, Which is more important? To discover NoS through science practise or just understand NoS which reflect a better image of science(the image that science education reseachers and scientist captured). The answer is both are valuable learning outcomes. The process and the result both matter.

Don’t put the car in front of the house.

Pay attention to the details.

Fit or not?
English writing?
Major fake?

You may change or you may refuse to change, but you have to respond to not buy very requests.
