
When My one-year long study life in US ended, I took a 10-days trip with my wife before returning to China. It was a impressive trip with both beautiful view and hardships on the road. I dislike surficial tours that can not let me understand more about the local people and culture. In this sense, the trip was worth the money, time and all the efforts.

We traveled mainly by taking Megabus, as college students or poor people did. We had lots of luggage, I know that we might get in trouble when taking buses, but I thought it would not be a big problem because I planned to pay more for the extra luggage. Everything wend very well before entering the Magebus. The city bus driver, a kind old black man, helped us pull the luggage. When I tried to give him tips, he denied. He said he helped us because he love Chinese and help us from heart not for money. He gave us a kindly smile and went back to his bus.

We arrived very early, so we had to wait for the megabus to arrive. It was our first time to take this kind of bus. At 3:40 PM, the megabus arrived. The driver was also a black man, but he was strong and a little fat. My wife stood most near the bus, but the drive said she was not standing in the queue, and let her to go back. We followed his directions, when it came to our turn he said you got too many luggage so you could not get on the bus. I said I could pay for the extra luggage. He said no no no. You could not pay me anything and ordered us to stand at the end of the queue.

After all the other passengers got on the bus, he told me that I could buy an extra ticket for the extra luggage but have to finish it in only 3 minutes. I became worried and nervous and a little angry. I worried that I couldn’t catch the other magabus. I was a little angry because he already saw us with extra luggage 20 minutes before but only told us what to do when the bus was going to leave in 3 minutes. Another ridiculous thing he did was counting down when I was trying to call the company to buy an extra ticket. He was doing his job, but by no means trying to help. He seems want to bring shame on us on purpose just because we are Asian foreigners and bring two extra luggage.

After nearly 10 minutes, he seem enjoyed enough of the show he made, he let me get in the bus but never ask about the extra ticket. He seemed not care about the tickets at all. He did give some sarcastic remarks on this issue in his native English with black people’s accent. All he said was how stickily he was following the rules of the company and it was all my fault that the bus was delayed. He let me sat on the steps beside him first and then separated me from my wife by asking me go upstairs(my wife sat at the first floor). First I went upstairs following his directions and then returned to the first floor by another ladders in the bus. My mood was terrible. My whole body was depressed and shaking. What kind of driver he was? I don’t know. I also can’t understand.

The trip had to be continued. By any means, it was not a good start.

There is alway a lot more to learn. Athough I have been studying in UGA for 12 months, I still want to stay longer and learn more here. I like the beautiful campus and quiet main library, I also enjoy professors’ classes and my classmates. Yes, I had a lot of fun here. But it is the time to say goodbye now.

After ten years, I think I will still remember the trees,the people, and the stories.




I wonder how to divide people into clusters by the similarity of their concept maps. I googled but found no good answers. If you know, please tell me by leaving a comment.

Although there was no direct solutions for me, but I did find something. I can use UCINET to do cluster analysis – the problem is I must provide a similarity/dissimilarity matrix for this software.

There are at least two ways to create the matrix. First, use Pearson correlations. I can easily get the table by SPSS. Second, I have to figure out a way to count the similarity or dissimilarity myself. Well, it is not too hard, if I just consider the different links and the same links, and give values to different situations, such as 11, 00, 10, 01, then I can count the dissimilarity. I can use R to count the matrix and then use Multidimensional Scaling in R to plot out the people. In this way, I can have a look whether clusters exist obviously. Then I can use UCINET to do the rest job.

I have to consider both the links and the notes at the same time, otherwise I can not make full use of the information in the data. In other words, I need to compare the stuctures rather than the dots. If two people have linked similar structures, they should score higher than two people have the same number of similar links but not connected. I use the following abbreviation:
bh(both have)
bl(both lack)
hl(one have one lack)
lh(one lack one have)
ss(similarity score)


Equivalence: Measures of similarity and structural equivalence

Dr. Oliver gave us an assignment to design a demonstration of science teaching. I already had several ideas. One was show them The surprising trees. Another one was rolling a paper roll. The last one was the bottle water activity.
bottle water demonstration
Today, when I was on the road home after swimming. I couldn’t stop thinking a more neat idea and keep revising the activity. I was very tired because of swimming but my thinking keep running in my head, even on bed with windows closed and curtain down. I imagined what the scene would be like, what to say, what to do, in what order, what questions to ask. I even came up with a little poem and dialogue:
Needle needle hot
Let the water jet out
Jet out, jet out
Oh my God
Nothing happen

Wait a minute, let me check out...
Maybe we need the hole more lower
Let me make another hole

Maybe the we can lay down the bottle
Let me think, drawing the hole of water on blackboard,talk to myself

Maybe we can make both the holes open
Maybe we can check out in the up-stand position
Why in this position it work
In this position it doesn't work
Did you see that?
So when will the water come out? 
One open hole or two? In which position? In which hole does the water come out?
How do you explain this?
Why one hole doesn't work?
Why two holes on the same height also doesn't work?
Why the two holes need to be on different height?

Finally, the design finished and the thinking stopped. This is the reason why I don’t write at night. Thinking will not let me sleep.

A tree can have its own home.
It can also step over the wall.
A tree can free your minds.
It can also make the spirit call.
A tree can become your home.
And you will never forget it anymore.

The tree that owns itself.

The tree that steps over the wall.

The tree that frees your mind.

The tree that touchs your soul.

The tree can be your home and you will not forget it anymore.




在Dr. Tippins的生态公正(Ecojustice)课上,一位中学教师教了我们如何给鸟制作Pinecone bird feeder,我叫它松塔糕。是在松塔上抹上粘稠的花生酱然后在各种谷物里打一个滚就成了。
我特意将这个松塔糕绑在窗前大树上,这样我从二楼的卧室里就可以看到鸟儿,一开始并没有鸟儿关顾,我还挺失望的,因为是春季,如果是在冬季食物短缺的时候会很快又鸟儿光顾的。但是我并没有白忙活,一天,一只很小的雀儿在松塔糕上忙活起来,它不断的变换着姿势。因为松塔糕是通过一根细线悬垂下来的,根本没有立足的地方,所以它不得不跟松塔糕一起荡秋千,像是马戏团耍杂技的一样不断的变换姿势和翻跟头。之后,不几天的功夫,沾满了各种谷物的松塔糕就被吃了个精光。制作松塔糕和观看鸟儿啄食的样子请移步这里Pinecone Bird Feeder





Today we did the coco experiment in Dr. Oliver’s Class. Here are some pictures.

The materials our group used:

  1. 5 bottles of coco (4 diet coco, 1 coco)
  2. 25 memos(5 fruit memos and 20 memos)
  3. 5 ml salt
  4. 1 measurer ruler
  5. 1 funnel

The 5 cocos were used as 5 experiment as control, coco, fruit memos, flat, salt. We measured the height of the coco before and after experiment, so we could count how much coco get out of the bottle. Here is what we got.
data and figure

Today Dr. Oliver gave us an amazing class about demonstration and inquiry. He first asked what question to think about or ask ourselves when using demonstration. Then we played two demonstration games with everybody totally engaged.

The first is radiometer (Crookes radiometer - Wikipedia).
Crookes Radiometer

He just put it on a table and lighted up another bulb, it began to rotate. It was my first time to see this, I was very curious of its work principle. After close observation, I found that it rotated always the same direction with white vane in front and black vane behind.

Then we began to wonder what factors caused the vanes to rotate. Lights? But how? Temperature? how? What else? How can we found out? Try it. I tried using different angles of the light.

We also tried to use hot water and cold water to pure on it. It rotate exactly the same direction as using light when using hot water but the opposite direction when using cold water.
Nobody came up with a good explantion at the end. First I thought it was because the momentum of the absorbed Photon just like Crookes did which was wrong in this situation.

Then we began to do another game –Buoyancy.
First Dr. Oliver sent out a pre-test with 3 yes no questions about buoyancy followed why you believe so. Then we talked about each question a little while. Students answers and opinions are totally different.
Let us found out. So he did another demonstration droppiing a brass cube into water cup which had been balanced. He asked us what would happen if he immersed it into the water.
Brass cube into water
We made our predictions and then we did the experiment. We also tried some other settings which were carefully designed but playfully demonstrated.How do you use these demonstration in large class size like 30 students?

At the end of the class, he use his front pocket quesitons to reflect this lesson:
Does it elict students’ ideas for teaching?
Does it it help student make sense of the material activity?
Dose it press students for evidenced based reasoning and communicating?

Yes it does! Yeah, we succeed!

This is an assignment of Dr. Oliver’s class ESCI7040(teaching strategies). The goal of this activity is to reflect on my own teaching and modify the plans for future teaching.

I taught learning theories to undergraduates in order to let them make sense of how students learn and apply these principles in their future teaching.

The guiding question is what is knowledge and how people learn? The big ideas include:

  1. Different type of knowledge play different roles and people learn them differently.
  2. Learning Science is not just learning scientific knowledge but also science practice and the nature of science.
  3. Teacher need various types of knowledge to help students learn science.
  4. Different learning theories understand people’s learning differently and give different suggestions for teaching and learning.
  5. Preconceptions, learning styles, learning strategies play an important role in students’ learning.

This lesson takes 90 minutes and during 60 minutes I was lecturing.

Task1: Reflections of this lesson:

  1. Wether the content of this lesson can effectively help them understand how students learn science and apply these principles in their teaching?
    Some ideas are too general and loosely related. They should be deleted or modified.
    You should focus more on students’ learning not teachers’ learning
    Don’t try to cover every learning theories, teach the most important one and the crucial strategies or tools.
    You may also included some brain-based learning studies such as how learning occur and what factors may affect learning.
    Conceptual change should be included in this lesson.

  2. Are these goals/objectives appropriate for your students?
    These goals are not challenging enough for undergraduates. More critical thinking and challenging tasks should be used in this lesson.
    You can try to related your teaching methods with learning principles and invite students to think both in the role of learners and teacher(your role).

  3. How were the goals/objectives appropriate for the course in which the unit was taught?
    I found that I simply followed the sequence of the textbook. I may first teach this lesson ‘learning theory’ (Chapter 4) and then teach ‘teaching strategies’(Chapter 3). Students should first know how leaning happen and then learn how to teach.

  4. How the instructional strategies adequate for the learning you hoped would happen?
    Lecture should be more interactive(share learning experience of yours or students, thinking aloud, student teaching), include more student-centered activities (sorting learning tasks, diagnosing students’ learning difficulties, think-pair-share, one minute writing, interpret teaching clips).

  5. How were the assessments–either formal or informal–adequate(and valid and reliable) for the task of assessing student learning?
    There are two assessments: A1 explain Osmosis to high school students; A2 design a 5E lesson plan. A1 is an informal assessment on class. A2 seems not closely related with this lesson. A better assignment would be study students’ preconceptions about one topic and design an activity to elicit students prior ideas.

Task 2 redesign:

The big ideas that student should understand:

  1. Learners build their knowledge on their prior knowledge collaboratively in special social context or situations.
  2. Learning occur when connections are made in Neural Networks or social networks.
  3. Well designed physical and social learning environment help students learn by improving their brains’ function.
  4. Prior ideas, emotion, metacogniton play crucial roles in students’ science learning.
  5. Different learning strategies suit for different learning tasks; Some tasks are more difficult than others; Student percept learning tasks differently.

The skills that student should develop:

  1. Elicit and engage students’ prior ideas of a core concept.
  2. Diagnosis students’ difficulties in learning a concept.
  3. Design or redesign classroom learning environment to optimize students’ learning.
  4. Select proper learning strategies for special learning tasks.
  5. Summary learning research results and its implications for teaching.

The interactive lecture and student activities:

Tell the story of two kids arguing about sun:
孔子到东方游历,遇见两个小孩在路上争辩,便问原因。一个小孩说:“太阳刚升起时距离人近。”另一个小孩说:“太阳中午的时候才距离人近呢。” 一个小孩又说:“不对,太阳刚升起的时候大得像个车盖,到了正午就小得像一个盘子,这不是远处的看着小而近处的看着大的道理吗?” 另一个小孩说:“太阳刚升起的时候清凉,到了中午的时候像手伸进热水里一样热,这不是近的时候感觉热而远的时候感觉凉的道理吗?”
tow kids argue sun
Which kid do you agree with?
How about the situation of winter and summer?
If you are going to teaching these two kids the model of sun and earth, what are you going to do with these ideas?
Pretest: What do you know about learning? Yes or No question and why?
Learning occur easily and fast. Yes No
Learning is mainly remembering and recalling. Yes NO
Learning is a process that seldom change. Yes No
Learning ability can be enhanced though learning effort. Yes No
How this lesson Connect, extend or challenge what you know and how you teach?

Can you share a impressive learning experience that happened to you before? Or your most powerful learning strategy?

Different types of learning:

Learning subject: Machine learning, human learning, animal learning
Learning method: Discovery learning, guided discovery, inquiry-based learning, Problem-based learning; learning from instruction, rote learning, learning from examples, learning by analogy, explanation-based learning
Learning object: Conceptural learning(facts, concepts, model, theory), skill learning(process, strategies), emotion, attitude and value learning, metacognitive learning
Learning result: Deep learning, surface learning, meaningful learning,rote learning,effective or ineffective learning
Learning effort or emotion: hard learning, lazy learning, happy learning,painful learning
Learning sensory and style: eye, ear, feel, action, think, taste, smell

What can you learn from the following objective verb table?
objective verbs table

  1. Think-pair-share
    Read a research paper of misconception, write down all possible ways to elicit students’ prior ideas, share with peers how these prior ideas are going to affect students’ learning.

  2. Ask a student to thinking aloud about a Buoyancy problem; Ask another student to think aloud about a phototropism problem; Ask the third student to think aloud about a NO2 chemical equilibrium problem. Interview them a little bit.

  3. Share personal learning strategy (Chemical equilibrium).
    NO2 Chemical equilibrium

  4. One minute writing
    Why students approach the same problem differently? How can you encourage deep learning?

  5. Sorting learning tasks and matching with learning strategies.
    List as many different types of learning tasks as you can in your group?
    Group them as many ways as you can?

Sorting learning tasks:
Write down the definition of enzyme.
Judge whether x is Enzyme or not.
Compare Plant and animal cell structures.
Draw the process of Mitosis.
Design the law of using human embryonic cells as research materials.
Count the Probability of a special Phenotype in the next generation.
Explain why egg shells are not too thin or too thick.

Learning strategies:
compare and group, summarize, visualize, hands-on, simplize, break down

  1. Student teaching one concept to other students or one screen to the class.
    They need to be the volunteer and download the material and learn it before class, they have 3 minutes to help group members to understand this concept. Students will share their learning experience and give feedback to the volunteer teacher.

  2. Diagnosing students’ learning difficulties in a teaching clip.
    Teacher will show a clip of real teaching, the students are asked to make sense what is happening and what to do with the situation.

  3. Write one minute about what you learn or change today about learning, what is your most favorite analogy of learning now, share with your partner.

Task 3 reflect on why you change:

My previous purpose is follow and cover the most important content both on the textbook and in my vision. I spent a lot of time on how to represent these content to students but did not pay too much attention to how these content serve the goal of this course. At that time, I did not have many activities to choose from and had to create my own one by one. I also had limited knowledge of how students learn science before, now I know more. So I want to include the more important ideas that I know and get rid of un important or unrelated ideas.

Although I believed that I should use more student-centered activities, but I just didn’t have them. It took time for me to gather, test, accumulate related activities or ideas. My enriched learning experiences and pedagogical thinking also help me to generate new activities that probably work for my students.

Recently, I read some papers and books about evidence-based teaching and brain-based learning, they also encourage me to select the core ideas and activities for my teaching plan.

Conclusion: If you want to improve your teaching practice, you need to know more about the content, more about your students, more about what you can possibly do and use in your class. Of course, you also have to know what student really learn and why they do so.