
Football is very influential in United States.

If you walk in the streets in Athens, you will see bulldogs everywhere, not the real bulldog but the statues, pictures, logos of bulldogs. Why? Because bulldog is the nickname of their UGA football team and it is also the mascot of their team.

bulldog Uga

When you take buses, you can see slogans such as “Go Dawgs!” “Beat Kentucky!” on the screen of the UGA buses. The University even made a special holiday for students to watch football game. A professor told me this story. When there was a game in Florida vs Georgia Bulldog, many students dropped the class to go to Florida to watch the game. So the university decided to make this Friday a holiday for students.

The football game is a full day events on Saturday. When there is a home base game in Sanford stadium, many people come to enjoy the game, the road becomes very crowed and it is so inconvenient and expensive to park that many people nearby decide to walk nearly an hour to get the stadium. People usually wear some red, such as red T-shirt or hat. A home base ticket cost 50~200$ according to the position of the seats. So it is not cheap, and most people would go game for five or six times in a year, which means they will spend about 500$ for game. Why they would like to spent so much money and time on football? Well, the answer is it is not only a game.

Before entering the stadium, people often bring there lunch and eat together siting somewhere. This is called “Tailgating”. Some people even use their car to make tent and bring their TV set and have a barbecue in their auto tent. In the tailgating, every people prepare some dishes, and share with each other, it is not only a time to eat but also to chat with leacher other and get known to each other.

Every time I went to the football game, there are some events. Sometimes they are honor events. University professors, athletes or players, all the outstanding people in many field come to the ground to show up in front of audience, it is a great honor to be on the green ground. Sometimes they are surprising events. The first time I went football, I saw a solider appear in the ground and gave his family a big surprise after honored on the ground. The mother ran to his son and hug him, it is so touching, tears welled from many audience’s faces.

In the second game I visited, the senior students were going to leave the game ground, so they come and give a performance of instrumental ensemble, the audience flag “Once Dawg always Dawg”, the cheer team print “Georgia Senior” and “Senior” on their T shirt or bodies. The flags were small; One or two people can held them; People might made them by themselves.

The game is interactive and full of passion. The stadium is full of red people raising their flag or hands and sing the same song at the start of the game. During the game, the players would encourage the audience to make noise to cheer for their offence or defense. There is also some game for audience to guess which cup contain the food on the big screen. Many photographers stand around the stadium not only record what happen on ground but also in audience seats. They would project audience on the big screen, such as little boy, girl, beauties, man, old women. People become very exited when their image is on the big screen. There are lots ways for audiences to cheer for their team including both lingual and body lauguage.

In fact, Saturday football has become a part of American life, just like Sunday church. On Monday class, students usually greeting each other by asking “Did you go to the game?” And then they start talk about the game.



最近有两次难得的机会拜访了两所美国中学,听了两节课,一个高中一个初中。美国中学没有类似中国的校门和门卫,也没有那么多围墙。学校设置了专门访客停车位,推开门,第一看到就是学校的Administration Desk,就好像旅馆的服务台一样,外人要进入教室的话,需要登记和照相并打印一张临时的名片贴在胸前才可以进入。




今天是本学期的最后一天。在Dr. Luft课堂上,同学们每个人5分钟报告了自己的收获,然后师生提问和评论。同学们的收获是很多元的,涉及到师生关系、与指导教师关系、科学探究、教育观念、教师角色和行为、学科知识、学生差异、教学活动、课堂提问、师生互动、教学限制、考试压力等等,或者抽象或者具体。在报告的过程中,学生顾虑到使用探究会消耗更多的时间,Dr. Luft还组织了讨论,让每个小组列出5种简单的不需要消耗多少时间的探究任务,此外还反复督促大家思考,整个学期中自己发生的改变。




1 美国的大学是没有围墙的,大学与周边的社区相互融合,任何人都可以随随便便进入大学。一句话大学是开放的,向所有人开放。

2 美国的大学图书馆没有门禁,任何人都可以进去看书。这点很让我意外,第一次进入图书馆的时候,我还在想是否要刷校园卡,结果一路畅通,一直走到了书架下面拿起一本书,也没有任何人询问或者阻拦。这意味着任何人都可以使用大学图书馆的图书资源,大学的图书馆是真正的公共资源,向所有人开放。


3 美国的大学设置了学习中心,为学生搭建理想的学习环境。学生可以免费使用电脑完成功课,或者预约房间进行写作,再或者约几个朋友聚在一起完成某个合作项目。学习中心和图书馆都设有专门的桌椅和白板等供团队学习使用。


4 美国的大学是教授治校。王笛曾经在南方周末的一篇文章中这样描述教授治校:教授们各司其职,无行政掣肘。系里除教授以外的所有人员,都是为教授服务的。[1] 这个说法与我所见是吻合的,没有臃肿的管理机构,不需要特别面见领导,也没有复杂的手续和开不完的会议,一切从简。




[1] 南方周末 - 美国怎样搞“教授治校”
[2] 中国大学社团官僚味十足 潜规则四处可见_高考网



根据官方人口普查的结果,中国人整体的平均寿命一直在增长,2010年已经达到74.8岁。[1] 这与医疗卫生条件的改善息息相关,虽然不见得延长一个人高品质生活的时段,但确实能续命和降低某些疾病的风险。

不同人群的寿命有很大的不同,这与很多因素有关,比如性别、居住地、甚至职业。根据普查结果,男性平均寿命72.4岁,女性77.4岁,女性比男性平均高5岁。它也可能与居住地有关。一项由美国、中国和以色列学者共同完成的研究显示,中国北方数十年来烧煤引起的严重空气污染导致人均寿命减少至少5年。[2] 不同省市地区的平均人口寿命也有很大差异,北京、上海、天津都达到80岁以上,但是很多经济相对落后的地区平均寿命则低于国家整体水平。[3] 有报道称中国大城市人均寿命比农村高12年。[4] 这其实与城乡医疗卫生差距难脱关系。此外,它可能与行业有关。国家体改委2009年的调查结果显示,近5年内,共有135人中国科学院和北京大学的教授、专家逝世,平均年龄仅有53.3岁。我国肩负重任的知识分子平均寿命仅为58岁,比全国人均寿命低10岁左右。[5]

meaning of life
此图来自What do you ecpect in your life - Chunlei’s Blog






[1] 我国人口平均预期寿命达到74.83岁

[2] Coal burning can shorten lives|Society|chinadaily.com.cn

[3] 中国大陆各省市自治区人均期望寿命数据—人民网

[4] 中国大城市人均寿命比农村高12年 是何原因?

[5] 科学网—压力过大易亚健康 中国知识分子平均寿命58岁

I am very interested in robot. I believed that someday it can play a very important role in our society and personal life.

There are many amazing things that robot can do. They become more clever and skilled in lots of feild: Some robots talk; Some walk; Some can carry; Some fly; Some can drive; Some teach; Some have expressions; Some have skins.

Today I watched a TED video in which robots help Henry – a stroke patient – regain his life.

What robot can do? It depends on what they are used for. In the global market, if you want a awesome job, learn and do something that robots can’t do.

In agriculture age,people don’t have to worry about pollution. Because all the products are degradable. Nature itself is a great designer, everything can be reused and recycled. But as human entered the age of industry, the situation changed. Human want to create new stuff that never existed in natural world. Yes they made it but they are not born good designers; Many waste are produced but can not be recycled.

There is a simple logic. If human want live in earth forever, then everything should be recycled, otherwise there will be not enough resources or room for human beings.

China have made a miracle of economic growth, but the growth cost dear – air and water pollution, increasing gap between rich and poor, village and city, east and west. This growth also can not be sustainable because the environment is getting worse and worse and the resources is getting fewer and fewer. In order to live a healthy life, China must reconsider its style of economic growth and design more environmentally friendly industry,agriculture and living system. But do China have enough designers to design the eco-life system? It is questionalble. STEM education may play a crucial role in preparing these future designers in China.

If you look into Chinese secondary and primary curriculum, you will find there is little content of enginering or designing in their class learning activities. How to assess the curriculum content to tell if it is updated and suitable for preparing future citizens? How teachers address this problem in their classroom teaching? Is there a lack of designing education in our curriculum system? If not, is the content and education good enough for preparing our future designers? These questions matters for the future development of China.

I have never learn to how control risk in my education. Recently, several things I experienced force me to pay more attention to this issue.

After watched a film “Mongol”, I want to use my iphone to contact my family. But I can’t find it. I used to put it on my desk or pocket, but it is not there. I checked a lot of other places, the bed, drawers, kichens, even closet and clothes. It still didn’t show up. I began to worry about it, I felt my heart beating quickly, I wondered if I lost it in my road back from food store. It would be a disaster if I really lost it, because many personal information was in it.

I sit down infront of the desk and tried to calm down. I still could not figure out where it can be left. Suddenly an idea come to my mind, how can i check out if the phone was in my hourse using wifi. Could I try to contack the person who found it? So I trun on my computer and use QQ(a kind of software like skype) to send a message to my iphone. The messeage said “Could you return my iphone?”, then I clicked sent button and heared a sound in the room. It was from my phone. I tried to send again and listen where the sound come from. Finally I found my phone lay on the carpet under my bed. It must slip onto the carpet from my bed.

I had a great relief. Then I began to think what to do to reduce the risk of losing my iphone. How to keep my personal informaton safer. I read serveral posts on tips to keep your iphone safe. They suggested first you should set a password for unlocking. Then you can also install an app called “find my iphone” to locate your phone in case you lost it. The last suggestion is do not keep important personal information in your phone.

In fact, all these tips are trying to control the risk or reduce the risk. In dealiing with risk, we have serveral options, sometimes we have to accept it, there are always a risk that you can do nothing to control, e.g. traffic accident. In this case, people usually buy insurance to transfer the risk to insurer. We can also take some measures to ruduce the risk, such as put a piece of paper with your email or address at the back of your phone. If somebody find your phone, he or she may return it to you according to the information you provided. I found I need to learn more about risk management and get prepared for any risk in the future.

Sometimes people lost control of their emotion, which usually do harm to themselves and others. It is an very important thing to learn to control and even make use of one’s emotion.

Emotion takes long time to form and change. It is like the parameters in hidden layer of NN, taking more instances to evolve and even more instances to adapt themselves to new changes. Emotion can help people to judge people and things(e.g.. good or bad, friends or enemy) and decide what to do(e.g.. quit or persist). It can also work as the energy source of people. People are most easily motivated by emotion than reason. Students tend to remember something deeply with a special emotion aroused. You would also feel very strange if you are talking with some people emotionless and feel hard to build trust on his.

Although, emotion play a very important role in our life, but we usually ignore emotion education in our formal or informal education. We should provide opportunity for people to know how emotion affect our cognition and social interactions. How to cope with ones’ emotion and keep emotional health.

Why we introduces the idea of patent?
Patent is a commercial idea based on market. A patent is a limited property right the government gives inventors in exchange for their agreement to share details of their inventions with the public. Like any other property right, it may be sold, licensed, mortgaged, assigned or transferred, given away, or simply abandoned.[1] We can see the rationale of patent is to disclose the innovations to public domains for common good. What to do if patents are going to violate this original rationale? Should we still protect patents or abandon it?

What can be patented? What can’t or shouldn’t?
In order to apply for a patent the inventor should provide information about how to made and use this invention. Basically, this is a kind of knowledge about “how”. So patent is both a special knowledge and a private property(intellectual property). Usually, a private property such as a chair is unique in the world and can not be given to others without losing it. But knowledge and information are different. We can transmit them without losing them. This is how education and media works. Patent means you can know it but you can’t use it without license or permission. But people naturally can make use of their knowledge. It should be legal for people to make use of their knowledge to know and help themselves. So there is a question, should a special knowledge be patentable?
Case 1:
There is an interesting case about patent. Mr. Bowman bought gene-modified seed from Monsanto company to plant in his form. For that second crop, he bought seeds from a grain elevator filled with a mix of seeds in the reasonable hope that many of them contained Monsanto’s patented Roundup Ready gene.[2] Monsanto brought Mr. Bowman to the court for abuse of seeds with their patented Roundup Ready gene. Mr. Bowman argued that it is the natural right to make any use of the seeds that you bought. The patent should be in exhaustion when I bought the seeds from grain elevator.

But Mr. Bowman still lost the case. This is what Justice Kagan said:
“Under the patent exhaustion doctrine, Bowman could resell the patented soybeans he purchased from the grain elevator; so too he could consume the beans himself or feed them to his animals. But the exhaustion doctrine does not enable Bowman to make additional patented soybeans without Monsanto’s permission, that is precisely what Bowman did.” [3]

Case 2
There is another case, a farmer grow his corn in his form. But his neighborhood grew gene-modified corn, by accident the wind blow the pollen with modified gene to his farm. So his corn also had the modified gene. But the farmer planted corn for a Japan company that only want corn without modified gene. So he can couldn’t sell his corn to the company and lost lot of money. Who should pay for his lost?

Case 3
A family invented a new kind of food(toy for cat). They keep the making process secret. But later it has been stolen and patented. Although they have made this new food for many years, now it become illegal to keep their business without paying for the patent. Is it fair? How about second time independent invention?

Although, in the first case, Mr. Bowman was intently to make use of the loophole of second buying. But it still annoy my nerves when thinking of gene-modified plant take the place of the other plants that farmers can grow and plant without any limitation, gene-modified food went into market without label, modified gene go to other plan species without control. A question emerged from this case is that Should gene be patentable?

How about human gene? Here is an interesting video “Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented”.[4]

This let me reflect the following questions: Should human gene be patentable? Will these patents prohibit us to know more about ourselves and make use our knowledge to benefit ourselves? Will this go against individual human rights? Is patent, or commercialization a good idea in education and human society in future?

[1] Patent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[2] Supreme Court to Hear Monsanto Seed Patent Case - NYTimes.com

[3] Monsanto Victorious in Seed-Patent Case - NYTimes.com

[4] Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented | Singularity Hub