
How to make supervison less expensive?
==>Take the advantage of technology and collective intelligence.
==>Avoid repeating others’ work by designing based on research evidence.
==>Help teacher set a feasible and clear goals.

How to make supervison more effective?
==>Make a good use of available techniques.
==>Select the right style–indirect.
==>Meeting teachers’ real needs.

How to make supervision sustainable?
==>Design and Develop a mutual benefit and win-win relationship between participants.
It is kind of like to do a jigsaw. First you have to see every piece very clearly and then you can make the best guess and try to connect the two pieces.
The jigsaw of supervision

==>Make it flexible enough to change under different context.
==>Make it self-organized and commercialized.

Why supervison?

The following is from the book Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development .

District standards of competent performance

A standard is composed of three parts: a statement which establishes a general behavior, a list of indicators which specify how that behavior will be identified, and a principal’s judgment as to the level of competent performance. The statement and indicators are listed for each standard. The level of expected performance of these standards will be determined by the professional judgment of the pnncipal. The judgment is influenced by the teacher’s assignment, class size, experience, and available resources. To determine if the requirements of the standard have been met, the statement of general teacher behavior, all of the indicators, and the performance level must be considered.

Section I—Instructional development
Area: Diagnosing
Standard 1 The competent teacher establishes procedures for gathering data by
a. completing the diagnosis for each student
b. using the diagnostic tools which are pertinent to the teacher’s goals
c. using a variety of diagnostic instruments and techniques
d. requesting assistance from others, when needed, for more comprehensive diagnosis

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What an expert teacher who has deep content knowledge can do?

Notes in class Supervision:
-give more proper instances, analogys to make student understand clearly
-relate the knowledge with students lives
-pick out the important big ideas that organizing the knowledge feild
-be able to emphasize crosscutting concepts
-be competent in science practices
-design more logical sequence of the content knowledge
-be able to understand students’ difficulties and questions and has a clue

Additional ways(after class):
-ask good questions
-design sound learning activities and assignments
-have insights of students question or problems
-organize facts and concepts in a sense making way or framework
-have more backup examples,analogys, explainations, questions for use
-be confident to give students more opotions and more challeging jobs

In a word, content knowledge affect teachers’ abilities of transfroming the curriculum and materials to students in a special context to acheive a designed learning goal. It is the foundation of science teacher knowledge. If there is no good content knowledge, there is no good content to transform.

It is like the nutrition in the food, if the food contain no nutriton, the best cook can do nothing to help.

It is also like taxi driver. The driver who knows the traffic system well, is possiblely able to figure out the most quick way to go for you at a special time and location. Content knowledge just provide more pathes to consider and follow. Otherwise, it is easy to get lost and embarrassed.

Recently I was reading a book Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development

The following are summary notes of Chapter 3 Using clinical supervision to promote effective teaching.

Characteristics of Good Teaching in Students’ Mind?

  • Nice(respect, patient and easy to get along with)
  • Interesting(makes subject interesting and fun with students engaged)
  • Sense of humor(tell jokes and smiles a lot)
  • Sensitive to students’ need( Listent to students’ question and make changes to help students learn )

Teacher characteristics associated with gain in students’ academic achievement?

  • Clarity
  • Raise Variety(of materials, methods, question types and levels)
  • Enthusiasm
  • avoid harsh criticism
  • Task-oriented
  • Indirect teaching style

Substantive interaction that increase students’ at-task time:

  • Explain(content to students)
  • questioning
  • using feedback
  • assistance
  • list the steps or tasks(chunlei added)

Effective Classroom Preconditions:

  • Attention and motivation
  • Meaningful(students can find personal meaning in the information being presented)
  • Applications(opportunities to practice using new information)
  • Include both lower-coginitive and higher-cognitive tasks or questions
  • Group work process in the classroom

Notes taken from another book chapter-Glickman -chapter 4.pdf
Research on effective instruction() indicates that effective instruction is based on adaption of curriculum and materials to local settings and particular learning goals. In other words, effective teachers think about what they are currently doing, assess the results of their practice, explore with each other new possibilities for teaching students, and are able to consider students’ perspectives.
teacher transfrom

The following was added at 2014/10/30
Evidence based Teaching notes
Evidence-Based Teaching: A Practical Approach by Geoff Petty

==Expert teachers set challenging goals: deep learning==

==Expert teachers had very deep understanding of their subject and the teaching and learning of the subject==

Their subject knowledge was more integrated, interrelated and built around general principles.

This deep learning enabled them to “make lessons uniquely their own by changing, combining, and adding to them according to their students’ needs and their own goals”.

The expert teacher knowledge of the learning process was similarly deeper than that of experienced teachers. This enabled them to predict and avoid difficulties that students might have , and to see what was happening in their classrooms in terms of a deeper set of principles relating how students learn.

This mean that expert teacher were better able to diagnose what was happening in their classrooms, and to adapt. They were more responsive to their students as a result. The teaching and learning principles they used were probably something like those outlined in Chapter 14.

==Expert teachers monitor learning and provide feedback==

Aim for evolution rather than revolution. Trying new methods one at a time is usually best, or your students will get unsettled even if you don’t.
Teachers touch students’ lives for ever - so it’s worth the effort to make powerful methods work.

Graham Gibbs(1992)
action research approach advice:
Involve others
Identify the problem clearly
Use research evidence to convince others and to find promising strategies
Start where you can
Start small
Don’t reinvent the wheel
Involve the students
Changes as you go along


we review our teaching in particular lesson or sequence of lessons, and look for evidence for what worked and what didn’t.
Difficulties: Being brave enough to collect evidence that might be uncomfortable, andhones enough to face up to problems without blaming ourselves or our students

we try to lean from this review, not just what worked or didn’t, but why. This creates general principles that we can apply elsewhere.
Difficulties: Asking ‘why’ persistently enough to enable us to lean the root cause of success or failure. Being able to ‘bridge’ this learning to other context by asking ‘where else in my teaching could I use what I have just learned?’

We plan an experiment, perhaps adapting what we did in an earlier ‘Do’ phase.
Difficulties: Finding the courage, time and inclination to do things differently.

we carry out our experiment. The cycle repeats.

Seven principles common to high-quality leaning and achievement

1 student must see the value of the learning
2 students must believe they can do it
3 challenging goals
the goal involves student activity on constructive methods
the goal involves reasoning not just reproduction
high participation rate
students have their audience, variety and fun

4 feedback and dialogue on progress towards goal
students need ‘medals’ that give information about the extent to which they have achieved the goals
students need ‘missions’ that describe how to improve and progress
students need to develop a growing understanding of the goals

5 establish the structure of information and so its meaning
from known to unknown
from concrete to abstract
the structure first, then add the detail

6 time and repetition
multiple context: examples and non-examples in many different contexts in order to ‘get’ them
multiple perspectives: student need to see what they are leaning through different ‘spectacles’. SOLO
multiple representations: right- and left-brain

7 teach skills as well as content

The PAR model
Present Apply & Review

end notes


  1. 认识到情感因素的关键性作用。
  2. 帮助学生建立自己掌控学习的感觉。
  3. 学习必须基于自己已有的神经网络(已有知识),即使这个网络是错误的。

脑科学的研究发现,情绪是智慧的高级组织者,情绪能够指导认知进程和影响推理。例如长期高水平的皮质醇最终将导致与学习和记忆有关的海马神经元的损伤 ,即使是短时间的高水平皮质醇也会对短期记忆产生影响 。情绪对学习的影响具有两重性,轻松、愉快的情绪有利于学生的学习和健康发展,而过于紧张、沮丧、愤怒的情绪则不利于学生的学习。


Boettcher, J. (2007). Ten core principles for designing effective learning environments: Insights from brain research and pedagogical theory. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, 3(3), n3.
Zull, J. E. (2002). The art of changing the brain: Enriching the practice of teaching by exploring the biology of learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

A strange thing happend when I was reading a book and counting how many columns in a table. To my suprise, the number I counted in English didn’t equal to the number counted in Chinese. In English the number is nine, but in Chinese it is eight columns. Finallly I found I missed the number five when I was couting in English. What a big discovery!

I don’t know why I tend to ignore the number five subconsciously. But there was a real story about the number five. At that time, I was still a college student. Jelle and Ineke, friends of my advisor visited Beijing. It was their first time to be in the city, so I showed them around to visit temples, parks and other spots. We mainly took bus to travel cause it was cheap and we would have chances to experience the Chinese daily lives. One day, we were waiting for No 5 bus. My spoken English was not proficient and often make mistakes expecially in pronunciation. I said to Jelle we were going to take No 5 bus(but I pronunced like “No file bus”). But he didn’t understand. I repeated but still didn’t make sense. Then after a while, he understood and said No five. He even taught me how to pronunce it correctly. But I was very ashame of that, and still found it difficult for me to pronunce FIVE.

According to Freud’s Unconscious theory, people tend to ignore or hide the unpleseant experience, this would help to explain my error in English counting.


  • 准备完毕


  • 根据饭量加米
  • 加双倍的水


  • 首先最高档加热4分钟
  • 放置10分钟
  • 用中档(后者6)加热15分钟


  • 乐扣盖子上有热水,不宜立即取出
  • 待略微冷却后,取出,米饭温度适宜后即可食用


Reading Program Box


I finally find a swimming poor that I can have access in UGA. It is in the Remsey Center just take the next stop of Aderhold by East-West School Bus. I purchased a membership for three months($15 per month). Today I went there to work out and swim. It is really worth every cents.

I took several pictures:

I often see people running on the road to do exercise. Sometimes man, sometimes old men stripped to the waist, sometimes women with young boy or girls. In fact, the road in Athens are not flat, so they have to run up and down. They really got the admirable sport spirits.

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