
The following is a visulization designed by myself. It let me think what do I expect in my life.
meaning of life














  1. 马桶使用错误

  2. 久坐和超重

  3. 擦拭过重

  4. 怀孕和分娩



Hemorrhoids.org: Hemorrhoids Cause[http://www.hemorrhoids.org/hemorrhoids-cause.html]

Today I visited a AP chemistry class in a high school. I found this class is apparently test driven. The teacher first let the students took a test for 15 minutes. And then coped with students’ individual questions and worksheet related issues. Then he began teach students the rules and tips to get right answers to the questions. Once a time, a student asked when they would do laboratory. The answer was “maybe next week”.

The whole class last 90 minutes, which is twice long of class in China. There was a 5-10 minutes break during the class. There about 30 students in the classroom. The topic of this class included Ionic bond,Covalent bond, Polar and non-polar Molecular, Melting point, Atomic properties. The main objective is to learn how to judge which Molecular have higher melting point or stronger bond for the quiz questions. This class was a teacher-dominated class. Teacher used most of the time to lecture the “powerful” tips to solve these type of questions. About 20 students seemed listen carefully and 10 students enraged in the conversations by asking questions. Teacher usually addressed students questions immediately sometimes said he would addressed that question later. There were several times students want to ask questions, but the teacher went along with the important tips and principles.

To my surprise, there was a student had nothing to do and lay on the ground listen Mp3. The student said something to the teacher before class, the teacher just let him go. This will never be allowed in Chinese classroom. There are some student hard to like too in China, but mostly they will not put their feet on their desk or sleep on the ground. The teacher will never allow this happen too.

While the teacher also tried to help student understand what factors affect the strength of a bond. He wrote down the Electric force formula on white board. He also used an analogy of 10 toy between boys and girls to explain Polar and non-polar. I am very interested in this representation, it tell me something about the teacher’s stratiges to convey the concept to students, researchers name this knowledge as Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This representation do help to understand polar and non-polar, the teacher said that think about a group of boys have 5 toy and the girl group also have 5 toy, then it is equal, so in this case the bond is non-polar band. As to polar bond, the teacher let students thought about boys had 7 toy while girls only have 3 toy, this is polar bond. As to ionic bond, the boy just got all the toys while girls have no toys. I agreed this analogy could convey some important features of the concept to students. But if you think carefully, this representation also has fatal limitations and even wrong. First, Electron pair does not “belong to” each side but “shared”. Second, it is dynamic not static. Third, it is not how many electrons each side have, but how frequently it appears around. Well, teacher can use analogies as middle models to help students learn, but it is also necessary to know the limitations of every middle models and move along to the more scientific models.

On my road home, I watched a TED show Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation. The speaker talked about higher motivation(big award) can impede or even kill creativity(e.g. developing new software). I want to say it may also be true in education, while teacher highly motivated to prepare students to get better score, they will decrease the variety of teaching methods until only lecture left. It had happened in China, US would not like to fall into the same old trap again.

When we are developing an instrument to measure teachers CK, Ben gave us a good analogy of chemical reaction. It is much better than the above chemistry teacher.

The force holding bonds in place is due to the net electrostatic attraction between protons and electrons of bonding species. This is akin to the force holding two magnets together. The attraction between two magnets is stronger when they are close together (a strong “bond”) and weaker when they are farther apart (a weak “bond”). It takes energy to move magnets apart—going from a strong bond to a weak bond. When magnets are allowed to come together—moving from a relatively weak to a relatively strong attraction—kinetic energy is given off, and work can be done. Thus, magnets at a distance have more potential energy than magnets in close proximity. Weak bonds have more potential chemical energy than strong bonds.





  1. 纸箱子游戏

  2. 分类游戏

  3. 堆高楼

  4. 找玩具

  5. 玩水

  6. 情商教育






Nowardays people spend a lot of time in front of their computer. Most of the time they have to use their eyes whether they are typing or sufing on the internet.

But when you are using computer too much you will find your eyes hurt. Lots of students get short-sighted. A idea come to me, why not close my eye to type in front of a computer. Is it possible, may be ti is possible. So I try to find a sofware to help me to do this job. I find a one, and it works. Now I can sit in front of my computer and keep my eyes closed and typing wha I want to say. Isn’t it amazing. This software will also help blind peaple to type, because it can sound the key so they can hear what they are typiing.

For me, it just helps to rest my eyes and concentrate on what I am writing.

This is not a new idea, but if is an intersting idea.

The above paragraph is written by me blindly.

Another idea interesting is using your left hand to control the mouse and use your right hand to click. This will help you to coordinate your left brain and right brain.

Now I am using the sound of pinyin to help myslef to type this paragraph. The pinyin sound help to pronounce a word when you are typing. It may not sound very right but it can do give a similar sound of the the word.

Is not it amazing.

(the following wrote by 2014/06/13)
I write of course with my eye open and without any sound. I confront the same problem again. I am wonderring what i can do with the mouse, computer interaction, becuase my fingers hurts when using mouse click too many times, I just wonder how this problem can be solved. I try to use both hands to use mouse, and now both my Forefinger hurts. Maybe I use computer too much. I admit that but there are also some problem with the design, the mouse design, or the user-computer interaction design. There are several ways to solve this problem:
1 redesign the mouse
2 redesign how computer react to the mouse
3 use keyboard instead of the mouse
4 forget the computer and use paper and pencil instead

The first two solutions are engineers and designers job.
The third is my job(the user habits)
The last one is not a solution for this problem but a solution for stopping the pain

continued on(2014/06/15)
I find out another solution already provided–but I did not discover before, using the touch pad of the computer. It is a solution,may be not perfect, because the user experience and the coceptural model is not what I want. It is also interesting that the user sometime ignore what had been provided.

Topic: Cell structure/Biology
Designer: Chunlei Zhang
Student: High school students
Notes: This is just an imaginary teaching learning scenario sequences.

Imagine a house in your mind(or you can draw it), maybe your family house, maybe not. What does it look like from outside? What about the look of inside? What is the house composed of? What is the function of each part? Can you ask more questions about house?( who made them? which style? what is it made of? how to make a house?) cool!

Today we are going to study cell,similar with house, you can imagine cell as a house for a new strange life. You can ask any questions you want? (list students questions)

Some of your questions, scientists have answered? some question still need further inquiry.

Do you know why scientists study cell?(R or NR) They want to know more about life, an essential question is “What is life is made of?” They finally found the answer through a special equipment – microscope. Their finding suggest that most organism are made of cell. There is a story of discovery of cell.(telling the story)

Cell are usually very very small, and invisible to the naked eye. Do you have any experience of bleeding? What is the color of blood? If you take out of the blood cells, then it looks like this.[picture] What can you infer from this picture? If you look at blood through microscope, then you can see this. These are blood cells. If you look at the blood vessel, you will see this.(video) Not only blood, every parts of your body is made of cells.(student can also draw this conclusion by observing the picture of different tissue are made of different types cells)

Can you guess what is inside of a cell?(Predicted answers: empty, just water or solution, there must be some structures inside)

If we use electron microscope, then we can see the inside structure of the cell. Here is some pictures, try to build a cell structure model as a group. You can number different structures.

When the structures were first discovered by scientist, they also found it hard to communicate, so they name them. Sometime they name them by their characteristics, sometimes using the scientist’s name. (give the names of different structure) Can you distinguish the different structures inside a cell? Have a try in your group.

Group assessment, show Simulation and let students guess what is the structure and its possible function.

How the different structures relate with each other? We don’t know. What do you suggest, if you are going to study this research question.

Scientists got these pictures, when they study how proteins are made and transported outside of cells.[three pictures]

What can you see in these pictures? What can you infer? Can you guess or infer the functions of different structures? How do they function together in this process?

Home work: Make a cell structure model that can represent all your group knowledge about cell. We will share and discuss our models in next lesson.

Today I participated the method class by Dr. Luft and responsed to her question “How students learn best? by rehearing something, learning the vocabulary, or by doing science”.

My response was: the answer was obvious doing science will let student learn most, but if we take out of the word “best”, all approaches can help student learn in special situations.

I know it is a little misleading and I am afraid that some students in the classroom might misunderstood me. Well, by saying that, I don’t mean we should really repeat our explanations to students again and again or let students master only vocabularies or terms. But I do want say we should not put ‘lecture’ on the opposite side of ‘inquiry’. I also want to point out that we should be very careful to use these two words to label teaching practices, especially those of student teachers.

Well, lecture, You can lecture; Some teacher is only able to lecture. But if you decide to use lecture, try to do it good. Because lecture can be totally different styles and outcomings.

It is interesting – we did not teach student teachers how to lecture, although this conception exist in their mind, and they are very likely to use this approach in the beginning of their carriers – isn’t it.

Ok, let’s do lecture.(really?)
There are different levels of lectures.

  1. Some teacher just stands there and say something, whether related or not. Student are very easily lost interests and get boring and then sleeping. Sometime they appear awake, but their mind are sleep.
  2. Some teacher stand there say something interesting, student are engaged and listen carefully, some can even retell the interesting stories to others. It is better, right.
  3. Some stand there say something putting students on uncomfortable positions, let students think critically about the dilemma or issues and discuss with each other, which may have a profound impact on what students believe and act in the future.

Some lecturer also do some performance or something tricky or funny; Some lecture even let audience participate, here is a example of TED lecture: the art of misdirection. Whether lecture or inquiry, they are just labels. Label itself can not guarantee your teaching quality and students’ learning outcomes. We should keep this in mind.

In fact, what teachers can do and only do is create learning opportunity by engaging student in learning activities. Student learn new knowledge through their learning experience. But, different learning experience have different consequences. The following is the learning pyriod.
learning pyramid

You can see from the picture above, student can sit and listen, learn by listening and reading. This process just get information into their short term memory not long term memory. So they may just listen and forget, rarely transfer the new knowledge into new situations.

They can also study by doing science,trying to figure out questions such as what can I do with this stuff ? How to relate all these stuff? What data to collect? How to collect? What is happening? What is going to happen? Why it happen? Why it doesn’t happen? and so on. This approach not only work on the working memory, but also interact with the long term memory – their prior ideas and conceptual frameworks. They have to recall what they had learned and experienced in order to solve all these problems.

In the learning pyramid, the most effective way is learning by teaching,just as what the student teacher are doing now. Usually we suppose student teachers already have enough content knowledge for teaching the topic, but it is not true. Many studies showed that beginning teachers’ content knowledge are usually Fragmented and less connected, it was also structured for doing test not teaching.1 Maybe it is enough for exam but not enough for teaching.

Inquiry research showed that good inquiry are significantly better than lecture, but it has a precondition – the teacher have good knowledge ground.2 Carlsen (1991) reported that when teaching self-identified high knowledge topics, teacher were more likely to ask more high level questions than teaching low knowledge topics.3 But student teachers usually lack of this ground, they are struggling with integrating inquiry into their lessons. It is not an easy thing achieved overnight, but a step by step continuing process.

Recently, I read a book review Learning,or not Learning,in school. The author of the book argued teacher can not give a model or demonstration, and then let student follow the model to do on their own(the mistake I also made in my teaching). There should be some middle stages, such as discussing or doing together or let students do it collaborative, before let them do it by their own. The big idea is Gradually ownership shifting, or gradual release of responsibility. It is not a new idea, but I like it.
learning shift
This picture is from: Learning,or not Learning,in school

As you can see in the picture, the middles stages Guided Instruction(we do it) and Collaborative(you do it together) sometimes is missing our teaching. This may explain why students can’t do it well as teacher expected, because the learning process is too sharp.

Why I want to highlight the point that DO NOT put lecture in the opposite position of Inquiry, I have other concerns. Try to think:
What happen if student teacher believe in inquiry but can not do it well?
==>They drop out. Because they tend to believe themselves not suitable for teaching.

Another extreme concern is:
What happen if teacher only believe lecture and only one direction approach?
==>They refuse to change and can’t do a good job,finally they may drop out.

Usually, student teacher know they should do inquiry or make their class more interactive, but they are just not able to do it or feel too hard to do it. Why this happen? What to do with this? If this doesn’t change, they will form a belief that inquiry doesn’t suit them or their teaching. It is a hot potato. Well one possible approach to this problem is “we do it together”.

We were taught to not label students, right? We also should avoid to label teachers. Abused labels can cause problems even disasters, for example, students who labeled themselves as visual learner would say, I can’t learn very well because the teacher used very little pictures, simulations. Really? In fact, the label just limit students’ learning approaches instead of expand their ways of learning. Good learner should use every possible way to learn and develop skills respectively.

Who should take the responsibility for learning? Teacher? Students? Or both? Or the responsibility gradually shift from teacher to students?

What strategies or methods are suitable for this shifting?

These are the questions that are worth to think over.

[1] Hauslein, P. L., Good, R. G., & Cummins, C. L. (1992). Biology content cognitive structure: From science student to science teacher. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(9), 939-964.
[2] Blanchard, M. R., Southerland, S. A., Osborne, J. W., Sampson, V. D., Annetta, L. A., & Granger, E. M. (2010). Is inquiry possible in light of accountability?: A quantitative comparison of the relative effectiveness of guided inquiry and verification laboratory instruction. Science Education, 94(4), 577-616.
[3] Carlsen, W. S. (1991). Effects of new biology teachers’ subject‐matter knowledge on curricular planning. Science Education, 75(6), 631-647.

Today I went to a the seminar Teaching and Assessing so Your Students Learn More: Maximizing Learning-Centered Pedagogy by Dr. Phyllis Blumberg.

We did some interactive activities,such as drawing a picture of learning-centered teaching, think and discuss, group disscussion of a special topic and report. I attended the discussion of how to use assessment to promote students’ learning with 6 people.

Although most participants are college faculties, but when assigned to group work, some tend to speak more than the others, unaware of someone not speaking a word. I want to rearrange the process by divided into two small groups, but I feel hard to interupt and unsure which way will work better. Athough we do discussed sometimes one student dominates the group work and coversation, some people are too shy to say anything. You see, sometimes people say it but not do it and even unaware of this inconsistence.

There are various assessments that can be used for different purposes.
Before class you can give students questiong to guide their reading and explore their prior ideas.
multiple choice question
guiding questions
open questions
In class, you can give student short quiz to know if students get the point of if they are able to apply them.
Online analysis
Open questions and discussion
short quiz
After class, assignments can help students review, exercise and enhance what they learned.
Online assessment
Problem soving
learning activities judgement and improvement
Final exam can report students’ acheivement.
interview(when there are only several students, this would be a good choice)
project(which let student really take the ownership)
write a paper/story
make vedio/prezi
oral presentation/defence
Fair or competition
Paper exam

He was a UGA professor. He died today, of a Severe disease. His wife is also a UGA professor in Pysics Department. She said his husband only left two sentences to his friends and students in UGA.

First, he just say GOODBYE.

Second, he said must guarantee every student have access to his collection, because it is really his passion–lifelong passion.